The Pit

Players fight in a rectangular grid against computer or human opponents. Starting out with thin armor and a weak sword, with each win over opponents, your character becomes stronger with better weapons. Aside from Melee weapons, you can also purchase or find projectile weapons (e.g. a longbow). In addition to basic combat items, you can also use potions and other magic items (though you don’t always know what you are using). If you find an opponent too powerful, you can beg for mercy (not always successfully), or exit through the single doorway (assuming you can reach the doorway without getting killed). Opponents include the most basic and easy to defeat slave and the near-immortal Norse gods, such as Odin and Thor. You can also attack other human players, who are set on automatic.

Players get a number of play sessions per day (usually three), and each play session ends in either a player death or the session timer expiring.


To play The Pit, point your favorite telnet client to or use our handy web based terminal.

Available Scores

/home/capshril/public_html/scores/THEPIT.ANS was last modified: January 01 1970 00:00:00.

/home/capshril/public_html/scores/coa-header.ans was last modified: January 01 1970 00:00:00.

/home/capshril/public_html/scores/coa-scores/thepit/PITSCORE.ANS was last modified: January 01 1970 00:00:00.

Scores updated nightly-ish as new data is available. Current scores can be found on the BBS.